

国家研究委员会标志Clark’s 研究生 School of 地理位置 is top-ranked in the most recent ranking by the 国家研究委员会该组织于1916年根据《 美国国家科学院.

On April 21, 2011, the 国家研究委员会 updated the findings of its “Data-Based Assessment of 研究-Doctorate Programs in the United States”; the 初始版本 出版于2010年9月. The 2011 update recalculated the so-called “R” and “S” rankings, each through two different methods.

As a result, Clark’s 研究生 School of 地理位置 now ties as No. U中的1个.S. geography programs on the primary calculation of the R ranking. (太阳城娱乐城地理的排名总结如下, where a brief explanation of the R and S rankings can also be found.)

此外, 在被评估的49个地理专业中, Clark is one of a smaller number of departments that sustains a balanced program of research and doctoral education across the full breadth of the discipline — indeed we are committed to maintaining and integrating across this breadth.

Clark’s 研究生 School of 地理位置 also is the only Top 10 doctoral department that is located within a liberal arts-based, 学生接触密集型研究型大学. 我们的博士人数排在前三名.D.每年授予S, 获得外部资助的博士生百分比, 以及研究生的国际多样性.

All of our doctoral students receive full funding (tuition and stipend) on acceptance, 毕业后, they have been consistently successful in occupying both academic and senior policy and applied professional positions — this is a balance that we take seriously.

自2006年人口普查日期以来的NRC评估, our successes in securing research grants and in placing our graduate students have improved yet further, 我们的博士生现在有医疗保险.


The NRC Assessment of 研究-Doctorate Programs published recently includes a whole variety of ways to assess the programs, which includes peer-to-peer (S) assessment as well as objective categories.

Both peer-to-peer and objective rankings came with a range, from 5th to 95th percentiles. 在全国地理研究生课程中,太阳城娱乐城的得分为:

  • R排名并列第一(第5百分位)
  • R排名第4位(第95百分位)
  • S排名第9位(第95百分位)
  • 并列第10位(第5百分位)


  • 3rd in the percentage of students with external fellowships (2005)
  • Ph值平均排名第三.D.S毕业(2002-06)
  • 3rd in international students as percentage of total students (Fall 2005).
  • 多样性排名并列第三(维度排名第5个百分位)
  • 教师表现排名第五
  • 2006年教员人均获奖第五名
  • 研究活动排名第7(维度排名第5百分位)
  • 每篇教员出版物的平均引用数排名第八

(从 A Data-Based Assessment of 研究-Doctorate Programs in the United States, NRC, 2010,第2页)

  • The R (or regression-based) rankings are based on an indirect way of determining, 教师重视各种特点. 第一个, groups of randomly selected faculty were asked to rate the quality of a sample of representative programs in their field. 基于样本节目收视率, weights were assigned to each of the 20 characteristics using statistical techniques; again, 这些权重因场而异. These weights were applied to data about each program, resulting in a second range of rankings.
  • The S (or survey-based) rankings are based on a survey that asked faculty to rate the importance of the 20 different program characteristics in determining the quality of a program. Based on their answers, each characteristic was assigned a weight; 这些权重因场而异. The weights were then applied to the data for each program in the field, 结果是每个项目的一系列排名.

为什么太阳城娱乐的博士.D. 在地理专业排名如此之高?

作为最年长的, 在国内持续的地理学博士课程, Clark’s 研究生 School of 地理位置 has granted the largest number of doctoral degrees in the United States. Clark has consistently ranked among the top 10 programs and sustained its reputation over the course of its history (and U.S. 在各种民意调查和同行评议排名中名列前茅. Clark 地理位置 faculty and students pride themselves as global leaders in innovative theory-driven research across the breadth of the geography’s subfields: earth system science; human-environment/nature-society geography; geographic information science and remote sensing; and urban-economic geography.

在过去的五年中,太阳城娱乐的博士毕业生.D. program in geography have accepted academic positions at University of California, Berkeley; Syracuse University; University of Texas at Austin; SUNY Buffalo; Miami University; Temple University; Florida State University; and National University of Singapore, 等. 请查看 更完整的列表.

Many of our alumni hold senior research positions at organizations such as NASA, and many of our international alumni historically returned to hold important government positions in their home countries (e.g., European Commission) or important positions with non-profit organizations (e.g. 哥伦比亚全国咖啡种植者联合会).

Our doctoral students may complete a certificate in college teaching through the Colleges of Worcester Consortium. While 太阳城娱乐’s 研究生 School of 地理位置 does not require graduate students to complete the program, 那些这样做的人已经得到了相当大的好处. We have provided financial support to cover the cost of the certificate’s required core course.

自2006年以来, laws were enacted in the Commonwealth of 麻萨诸塞州 to require all residents to be covered by health insurance. Clark graduate students have access to health insurance for a university-negotiated rate.