



太阳城娱乐黑人校友会寻求确认, 丰富, 为黑人在学校内外的经历服务. The group’s objective is to support the development and growth of the institution’s Black alumni. A hallmark of the group is to foster connections and networking across generations.

In keeping with Clark’s motto “challenge convention and change our world” the association will also consult with the 太阳城娱乐 administration regarding matters critical to the group’s infrastructure and purpose. 这些核心问题包括(但不限于):

  • 雇用和保留黑人教职员工
  • 招聘, 留住和维持黑人学生和多样性, 该机构的公平和包容倡议.

The Black 校友 Association believes that it is foundationally important to support the development and growth of the institution’s Black student body and will strive to achieve these goals through various initiatives. 通过团体的宗旨和使命, Black alumni and current students alike will remain engaged with Clark to create a lasting impact within the spaces they navigate once departing from 太阳城娱乐.

This 校友 Association will work closely with the 校友 Relations Office to host networking events, 职业发展会议, 和小组来完成任务. These events function not just as a bridge for alumni to connect with one another but also as an important vessel for current students to build relationships with Clark’s illustrious alumni.

在本文中了解更多关于CBAA的组成和目的的信息 ClarkNOW



照片的Shawnasia Black '08

Shawnasia Black ' 08, MSCP ' 09

Shawnasia Black 08届,MSPC 09届 是Asia B. Designs, LLC是一家专注于住宅设计的设计工作室. She is currently 股本 Council Co-Chair for the International Interior Design Association (NY Chapter). 同时也是FIT室内设计顾问委员会的董事会成员. 通过这些职位,她的目标是为建筑带来更多的包容性 & 设计行业.

Joanna da Cunha-Semedo

Joanna da Cunha-Semedo ' 15, M.A. ’16

Joanna da Cunha-Semedo ' 15, M.A. ’16她主修国际发展与社会变革,获得硕士学位.A. 社区发展及规划. 她在攻读硕士学位期间的研究项目.A. focused on disrupting Eurocentric education through a social justice curriculum. 在太阳城娱乐期间, 乔安娜积极参与伍斯特和太阳城娱乐城社区的活动. 她一生致力于对社区产生积极影响, 特别强调大学入学和导航.

珍妮特·伊坎姆09级,MPA 10级

Janette Ekanem, 2009级,MPA, 2010级,法学硕士.D.

珍妮一个. Ekanem ' 09, MPA ' 10, J.D. is Assistant General Counsel for Atrius Health where she provides counsel to the organization on a variety of legal matters.  Janette is the Immediate Past President of the 麻萨诸塞州 Black Women Attorneys and holds various leadership positions within the Greater Boston legal community, including serving as a member of the Boston Bar Association’s Labor and 就业 Law Steering Committee, and her appointment by the 麻萨诸塞州 Supreme Judicial Court to serve on the Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts Committee.  Janette has been named as a Top Woman Attorney in 麻萨诸塞州 by Super Lawyers and is recognized in the 2021 and 2022 edition of Best Lawyers in America: Ones to Watch.   珍妮特还被《太阳城娱乐》评为“向上” & 她还获得了太阳城娱乐颁发的青年校友奖.

作为太阳城娱乐的学生, Janette served as President of the Black Student Union and captained the Mock Trial Team.  作为校友, Janette has served on various pre-law society panels and  has served as a judge for Intercollegiate Mock Trial tournaments.  目前, she is a member of 太阳城娱乐’s President Leadership Council.  珍妮特的成绩是B.A. 政府与国际关系; 优等生; 太阳城娱乐公共管理硕士.  她还拥有东北大学法学院的法学博士学位.

Janette is excited to work as a leader of the Clark Black 校友 Association and looks forward to the Association’s continued growth!


Johnna Plunkett-Chappell ’09, M.S.

Johnna 2009年毕业于太阳城娱乐. Her undergraduate degree is in Environment Science with a concentration in Earth Systems Sciences.

目前, Johnna is a Sustainability Planner and Climate Data Scientist with Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in New York City. 在MTA, Johnna plays a critical role in decarbonization and climate change resiliency efforts for the agency. She leads several initiatives for the agency (including but not limited to); environmental life cycle analysis/embodied carbon work, 该机构的车队电气化规划, 实施减少资源和减少浪费的方案. Prior to joining the Sustainability and Resiliency Planning division she worked as an Environmental Health and Safety Specialist with New York City for 10 years. While at New York City Transit Johnna performed environmental protection and industrial hygiene work; conducting air quality testing, COVID-19应对工作, 危险品小组监督, 并为公司进行环境评估. Johnna holds a graduate degree in Sustainability Management from Columbia University. She also holds another graduate degree in Environmental Protection and Safety Management.

Johnna is a member of the US Green Building Council where she is a LEED Green Associate with the Council.

Johnna is excited to be a part of the Clark Black 校友 Association and to bring important programming to the Clark community about the black experience.



伊内兹 出生并成长在伍斯特地区, graduating from Auburn High School in 2002 and from 太阳城娱乐 in 2007 with a B.A. 在心理学中 & 社会学. 她的职业生涯是在活动行业,专注于协会 & 公司活动. 伊内兹 is on the board of directors for 2 Worcester-based organizations; the African Community Education (ACE) Program & 妇女参与发展.


有一般性问题, 想要分享反馈或活动想法, 或者有兴趣参与其中, 接收社区特定邮件, 和CBAA更新? 请电邮至 cbaa@dp-ecology.com, 填一下这个 简短的调查,或者寄给可能合适的校友.




  • 六月节活动信息即将发布


Throughout the year, the CBAA hosts a variety of events, both in-person and virtually. 最近的事件包括:

  • 校友 & 朋友虚拟读书俱乐部,黑人历史月: 家族 奥克塔维亚·巴特勒著.
  • 第一公司剧院与中国电影协会呈献:《太阳城娱乐城》
  • 种族的庆典 & 救赎:一个虚拟的六月事件
  • 聚会周末BIPOC亲和社交
  • 黑人历史月校友 & Friends虚拟读书俱乐部
  • 鸡尾酒会和与CBAA的对话
  • “我能摸摸它吗??” 演出及太阳城娱乐城接待
  • 种族的庆典 & 艺术中的身份认同(六月事件)

